- Gboliwe Chukwuemeka-
- November 5, 2022
A currency like Bitcoin would start a triumphal march around the world was unthinkable just a few years ago. There is still no way around coins and banknotes, even if it has been foreseeable for some time that governments all over the world want to push back cash. However, this change will not happen overnight, because this form of payment has become the standard over the centuries. People do not want to do without embossed or printed money in their wallets.
History of money: Before coins or banknotes were in circulation
People used to pay with other objects for example with shells or grain, but also with cattle. The history of mankind can also be traced on the basis of the development of money. When everyday life developed away from the classic nomadism of hunters and gatherers and the division of labor was introduced, people needed a means of exchange. Numerous forms of “primitive money” or “pre-monetary money” were used.
Precious metals for the first coins
Precious metals were also used early on as a medium of exchange. The first coins appeared in Asia Minor in the 7th century BC. There, gold nuggets were processed in such a way that the king’s likeness could be seen with a stamp. This is how the coins began their triumphal march from Greece to Europe.
Gold and silver were the preferred materials at the time. The minting of gold coins goes back to the Lydian king Croesus who had gold coins of a uniform size minted in Asia Minor for the first time. Also, Persia, Greece, and Egypt used gold as a coinage metal. The precious metal ensured trust and a high level of acceptance of the coins, even beyond national borders.
From grain to precious metals to cryptocurrencies
With the outbreak of the First World War, the gold standard went under. The states simply could no longer afford this luxury and it was more convenient to finance the state with the money press. That’s why people are still longing for an anchor of stability that protects them from the devaluation of their money.
Over time, from shells to gold to fiat, people developed and used different payment methods. These days, you can buy cryptocurrencies and sell them. You can also use it as a payment method in some business areas.