There are various factors that are considered in determining the value and price of a coin. First things first, you need to understand what is the difference between value and price. The general public is interchangeably using these terms. But to coin collectors, it means completely different.
The price or the retail price of a given coin is what you are paying for that particular coin when you buy it from a dealer. The wholesale price or value of the coin is what the dealer pays you in buying the coin from you.
This makes the coin market to be complex and intricate and there are various factors that do influence coin values and prices.
Let us look at some other aspects that affect the coin’s price and value.
This is a huge influence on how a coin is priced or valued. Overall supply that’s in circulation to the market will be determined by the coin’s initial mintage. Needless to say, lesser supply means higher the demand for such coin.
The Surviving Population
Once the coin has been minted, they will then be released in circulation. As time goes by, coins will be removed in the circulation because they’re either overly worn or damaged. What happens next is returning the coins to US Treasury to repurpose its metal.